Delete: This will be Mr. tarolabo's return work after a long hiatus, and also a collaboration with me. Please be sure to listen to this piece that I created with the master who has influenced me the most.
Regarding the production process, around July last year, Mr. tarolabo suddenly contacted my email, saying, "If I want to come back, would you be willing to collaborate with me?"
First, I confirmed whether it was really him. After confirming it was indeed him, I was very excited that he could reach out to me and immediately agreed to collaborate, and we made plans together. Tarolabo made several demos for me to choose which one to produce.
When I received the MIDI file of this piece in the form of a piano solo, I was filled with an incredible desire to create and imagine, so I chose this one to start arranging. This is a piece that conveys sadness just from the melody of the piano, but I kept thinking about how far I could develop this piece, and it ended up like this. What I wanted to express during the arrangement was "the process from the accident to death." The song itself was basically completed last September, but because I was too busy at that time, the project was temporarily frozen. Coming to this year, I planned to create an MV for the piece, and in my mind, I envisioned black and white, cold, and frightening images. So, I commissioned Mr. Arushi to produce this MV, and it was finally released.
This is a long introduction, and I will publish the separate tracks of this song here, hoping everyone can gain a deeper understanding of our music.
Long time no see. I am tarolabo.
I have been away from music for a long time, and now I plan to start again little by little.
I don't think I will be making BMS anymore.
I don't want to open Twitter or anything, but if I do, I will let you know here.
Regarding the secondary distribution of works, perhaps the future methods will be completely different from now.
But for now, please allow me to keep the past policy unchanged.
If there is any contact, please come here. Tarolabola]
Please replace a] with @.
(Note added on June 2)
I turned this into an unfriendly article due to nervousness. Thanks to those who created this opportunity for my return, those who have taken care of me in the past, and especially thanks to my collaborator Mr. Delete for this return.
Thank you.