

A magical girl who exists in different time and space

My Eroge Rating Table

Cover Source:
I referenced the evaluation form from Hakula to create a similar Galgame evaluation database. I had been using vndb and similar sites for evaluations, but as I mentioned in the Anime section:

It's because searching for personal data on Bangumi is still not very convenient. For example, if I want to search for light yuri animations from ten years later and sort them in descending order based on my ratings, it can't do that. Of course, no database can achieve this functionality.

So initially, I used Notion to manage the Galgame rating database.
However, Notion also has some issues, such as its formulas not being as good as Excel's, and some visual aspects are not as aesthetically pleasing as Excel.

Moreover, I don't really need filtering functions based on TAGs or similar criteria; websites like VNDB and Bangumi Research are sufficient for my needs. So I moved back to managing it with Excel spreadsheets.

Regarding online spreadsheets, I still haven't encountered any online spreadsheet services that can match Excel in terms of functionality. If there are such online document services, please recommend them to me.


My Evaluation Criteria#

Formula (R18 Games)#

Total Score=Script×35%+Character Design×25%+System×15%+Art×10%+Audio×5%+Usability×10%±Subjective×10%\textrm{Total Score} = \textrm{Script}\times 35\% + \textrm{Character Design}\times 25\% + \textrm{System}\times 15\% + \textrm{Art}\times 10\% + \textrm{Audio}\times 5\% + \textrm{Usability}\times 10\% ± \textrm{Subjective}\times 10\%

Formula (All Ages Games)#

Total Score=Script×40%+Character Design×30%+System×15%+Art×10%+Audio×5%±Subjective×10%\textrm{Total Score} = \textrm{Script}\times 40\% + \textrm{Character Design}\times 30\% + \textrm{System}\times 15\% + \textrm{Art}\times 10\% + \textrm{Audio}\times 5\% ± \textrm{Subjective}\times 10\%
About the Rating Items
  • Script: The script is the soul of a Galgame; everything else is just embellishment. For me, the order of importance is:
    Story structure > Theme & Intent > Atmosphere and Psychological Description > Language > Background
    Many galgames (especially domestic ones) have the biggest problem of wanting to tell a grand and profound story, but the plot arrangement often jumps around, is logically chaotic, and is incomprehensible. In contrast, I would rather play a daily life game with a very mediocre setting and a clichéd plot but with a well-structured narrative.
    A large portion of people believe that enjoying the daily life in traditional Japanese Galgames is a sign of declining aesthetic ability; I can only say:
    I'm here for that.

  • Character Design: In a beautiful girl game, beautiful girls are, of course, a very important part. There are many games with excellent character designs but terrible plots. Therefore, when evaluating a work, my primary consideration is whether the characters in the game attract me, whether their appearance, personality, and background settings are overly formulaic, whether the relationships between characters are natural enough, and whether the characters grow and are deeply developed throughout the plot. Even in AVG games that do not focus on romance, the liveliness and distinctiveness of the characters are also important factors for my evaluation.
    Of course, the evaluation of character design is not limited to the main characters; the design of supporting characters and the characters controlled by the player also significantly influences the assessment.

  • System: For AVG, it mainly depends on whether the system functions are complete, whether there is an auto-save feature at breakpoints, whether there is a flowchart, whether the system settings meet my requirements, and whether the option settings are reasonable, etc.
    For games with special gameplay, "how fun it is" greatly affects the score.
    Fun is just an embellishment, but if it's not fun, it will be a devastating blow to the gaming experience.

  • Art: This mainly considers the performance effects, the detail of character illustrations, CG, and background artwork. Additionally, many design aspects related to art and whether the UI design fits the game's style are also key considerations.

  • Audio: As a music producer, I feel that giving music a score of 5 is already too much, but considering voice acting and sound effects, I will tentatively give this a score of 5. However, this does not mean that good music cannot score high; some adult games indeed have extra points for emotional rendering in their music. Of course, I can also give scores above 100; the fluctuation in this area can be significant because, for me, the gap between the worst audio galgame and the best audio galgame may indeed exceed 100%.

  • Usability: This is also an important reason why I started writing evaluations. Domestic adult game evaluations never consider "how usable" this aspect, which, for me, is truly putting the cart before the horse.
    Yes, after playing galgames for ten years, I've developed the habit of skipping H scenes, but that doesn't mean it's not important, okay? I can skip it now, but I can also click back to recall and use it again in the future.
    Moreover, usability is much more complex than many people imagine. Whether the writing of H scenes is good, whether the design is appropriate for XP, etc., this is not a field that can be easily handled by just piling up resources. Some very low-cost adult games can be much more usable than some high-investment full-price titles. Of course, usability is also very subjective, and I will evaluate it based on my own XP.

  • Subjective: This is the black box operation part for me. I can add or deduct points for any reason in this section. Whether I personally like this theme, whether the characters I like have enough screen time, or if there is a particular sound effect I particularly dislike can all serve as reasons for this evaluation.


I will start updating Galgame evaluation articles in my column soon. I originally planned to make videos, but considering copyright and related factors, I decided against it.
Since I don't remember many details about most games I played in my early years, I will start with the ones I have played recently. Some games I played in high school may require some time to reminisce before I write evaluations.
By the time you read this, the first review may already be online. I will mainly focus on lesser-known works outside of the popular ones, as popular works don't need my recommendations.
That's all.

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